Advantages of gypsum works.
Në ditët e sotme, përdorimi i pllakave të ndryshme të gipsit është përhapur gjerësisht,...
Inovess team manages every aspect of the project by saving time. Inovess team facilitates the whole work process by detailing/unfolding the project and coordinating all parties involved in the process.
We save money with an effective project implementation plan by completing every detail the right way. Selection of the finest quality of materials by our technicians guarantees longevity over the years.
Our team of specialists is organized under a complete chain of coordination and the leading engineer of the work group will take care of the smooth running of the whole process. The customer has only one point of contact for easy and confusion-free communication.
Anyone who works with Inovess knows that accountability is one of the distinguishing qualities. The Inovess team maintains a technical guarantee for each implemented project, responds in real time even after the implementation of the project to any occurring problem.
Inovess Construction and Management is a construction company dedicated to the implementation of the construction work and the restoration of the buildings. It was founded in 2017 and it provides a wide range of services of construction works for residential and commercial buildings, for construction companies in the private or public sector.
Inovess aims to set higher standards in the construction industry by using eco-friendly and innovative construction methods by focusing on technology, energy efficiency and sustainability.
Inovess is committed to protecting the environment.
Through our services we create value for the community and society by implementing high standards.
We establish relationships based on integrity and trust.
Në ditët e sotme, përdorimi i pllakave të ndryshme të gipsit është përhapur gjerësisht,...
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